Ultimate Relationships!
Introduces into India for the very first time
Buzz McCarthy, PhDc, from Melbourne, Australia
and her award-winning, ground-breaking workshops on relationships.
We invite you to attend Buzz's inaugural program in Delhi, the Ultimate
Relationship Discovery Workshop where you will learn strategies to create and
enjoy enduring loving relationships. The workshop is guaranteed to keep you
enthralled and riveted to your seat, listening and learning from Buzz, a
renowned relationship strategist. Buzz has a very impressive list of
qualifications that will give you absolute certainty that you are in the safe
hands of a very highly qualified therapist.
The Ultimate Relationship Discovery Workshop is a two and a half day program that will empower you to create and enjoy the relationship you deeply desire. Read on for the contents and details of the workshop and all the work Buzz does for communities around the world, and more importantly, on Buzz's fabulous qualifications which enable her to be a constant source of inspiration to all who come across her life-changing work.
I am very happy and privileged to be introducing Buzz McCarthy to Delhi for the first time with her ground breaking work.
To find out more, do fill in the form with your queries and send it to me NOW.
The dates and costs of the first workshop will be sent to you shortly
Ultimate Relationships Discovery Workshop
Discover New Skills and Strategies to Create your Ultimate Relationship Now
Love stops time ..... and starts eternity. Relationships are the places of the greatest joy and the greatest pain. Joy because there is nothing to equal a deeply intimate relationship; pain because most people are in a relationship by default and have no idea how to design their ultimate relationship.
There are strategies; just as there are strategies to be wealthy and healthy. To create a relationship by design you need to clear any beliefs that hold you back (and there will be some powerful ones in there), you need to be absolutely clear on your values and your boundaries and you need to be in a state of love - whether he or she is in your life or not!
Your radiance is what attracts your mate. So you must learn to be in a state of love on a regular basis, especially in the midst of a busy life. You don’t want to miss out on the relationship of your dreams, do you???? Learning how to love, being part of the dating game and deciding what you want, creating a vision and being committed to it will give you a totally different outcome.
We are the leading specialists in helping people get clarity about why their relationships are not successful and how easily they can be. Even if you think you know what you want, this workshop will give you valuable information and insights you’ve never had before.
Your facilitator(s) will help you uncover hidden beliefs and values that have been your major stumbling blocks and help you condition in new and empowering beliefs that will help you create what you most want.
This is the only program in Australia that gets to the heart of relationship pain and relationship pleasure. If you really want to have a deeply intimate and loving relationship you must attend these two days.
What You Will Get includes:
1. Where you spend your time and energy now may help you understand why you are not in a passionate intimate relationship
2. Discovering the basic elements of an outstanding relationship
3. Identifying what is holding you back and removing blocks
4. Getting clarity on what you must have in a partner and a relationship
5. Creating strategies for a deeper love
6. Rules of the Dating Game
7. How to keep the momentum going
About Buzz McCarthy
Buzz’s passion is in intimate relationships. In nature, wherever there is a
poison, there is a remedy next to it. Likewise it is in relationships but when
you are in the energy of the challenge it is usually impossible to find the
energy of the solution unaided. Buzz focuses on solutions not problems and uses
her training in Psychoneurology to calibrate where her clients are at, questions
them on where they want to go and together they find the resources to take them
on this journey. In this way Buzz guides and empowers her clients to solve
their own challenges and to own their new way of being.
Buzz runs relationship workshops, individual or couple consulting and is looking
at working with separating and divorcing couples through the collaborative Law
• Graduate in Human Resources, Honours in Psychology
• Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming
• Certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming
• Master Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
• Master Life Coach
• Counselling Practitioner
• Understanding Marital Interactions Certification
• Reiki Certificates I and II
• Neuro Associative Conditioning
• Oneness Blessing Giver
• Graduate of Anthony Robbins’ Mastery University
• Graduate of Anthony Robbins’ Leadership Academy
• PhD candidate in Psychoneurology
• Member of the American Board of Psychoneurology
• Certification in Rational Emotive Therapy
• Certification in Child Resource Empowerment Story Therapy
• Certification in Ericksonian Therapeutic Hypnotic Metaphor I
. Lived in London, Buenos Aires and rural Tuscany, Italy
. Became a share trader at 16 when she realised a job would only ever pay the
. Overcame breast cancer 12 years ago.
. Lost hundreds of thousands of dollars when a trusted business partner locked
her out of the business when she was nurturing her 3 year old son.
. Fell in love with Italy when she was 21 and bought and restored a large old
farm house 23 years ago
. Renovated 10 houses
. Travelled to 69 countries
. Taught in 14 countries in last 15 years
. Ran the world’s largest adventure travel company with 10 offices in 6
. Worked for the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
. Established her own highly successful convention and event management company
and ran some of Australia’s largest conferences for 13 years
. Since 2009 through her business Ultimate Relationships Pty Ltd she has run
regular workshops and consulting services for clients wanting to be in
relationships, improve their relationships or move out of long term committed
. Divorced in 2008 after a 21 year relationship
Interlude with Wild Boars: Journeys in Northern Tuscany, 2003
Buzz is listed in the 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 editions of the “Who’s Who of
Australian Businesswomen”.
Buzz’s story entitled “A 2 millimetre difference” appears in the first chapter
of the 2007 book “I Made a Promise”, 50 Inspirational Australian Stories,
edited by Danny Smith.
Buzz is currently writing a book on internet dating. Other relationship books
will be released in 2011
The Relationship Puzzle: Solutions to Ten Most Asked Questions, 2010
The Modern Relationship Game - Who Wears the Balls? 2011
Love Stops Time and Starts Eternity - But How do we get it Right? in The Power
of 100: launched on 8 March 2011 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of
International Women’s Day
www.ItalianExperience.com.au (Women of Wisdom)
• Ultimate Relationships Discovery Workshop - 2 day
• Magnifying Relationships Advanced Workshop - 2 day
• The Modern Dating Game Workshop - 1 day
• Goal Setting Workshop - 1 day
• Treasure Map Workshop - 1 day
• Board Breaking - half day
Buzz has coordinated and taught at events run by her company Sfinx Women Pty Ltd in Italy (twice), Argentina, Morocco, Peru and Bolivia, South Africa, Australia and Bhutan. Buzz has coordinated and taught at her annual Women of Wisdom event in Tuscany for some years.
Seven Reasons Why Your Life is Not as You Want
Simple Strategies for a Successful, Fun and Balanced Life
Strategies for Life - Year 11 Philosophy Students at Melbourne Grammar School
Never Give Up On a Dream - to Angel Noel Charity Event for women’s shelters,
Goal Setting for the Australian Businesswomen’s Network and for the Melbourne
Dream Team
ABC Radio interviewed regarding the Women’s event in Italy. 2009
Buzz is the Victorian Ambassador to the Australian Businesswomen’s Network,
after being the Victorian Co-ordinator and Board Member during 2006 and 2007.
Buzz has been an observer of life since her mid-teens when she first became
passionate about visiting other countries to watch and connect with people from
different backgrounds. Since she was 21 when she went to live in London, Buzz
has not only visited 68 countries of the world, she had lived in England, Italy
and Argentina and she has taught in 14 countries in recent years.
Buzz has spent the past 15 years working with people around the world to empower
them to make more compelling choices for their lives. Earlier she ran the
world’s largest adventure travel company with 10 offices in 6 countries, worked
for Australia’s Intelligence Service and established her own highly successful
convention and event management company. Since 1996 she has learned from and
worked with Anthony Robbins, the recognized authority on the psychology of
leadership and peak performance and has been an elite Trainer with his
organisation RRI for 7 years supporting teams of up to 80 participants at his
seminars in Scotland, London, Rome, the Bahamas, Palm Springs and Scottsdale,
USA, Melbourne, Sydney and the Gold Coast in Australia, Bali and Singapore.